Monday, March 10, 2014

#35 Logic

Ships Puzzle-The Spanish ship goes to Port Said and the French ship carries tea. However, tea can be carried by the Brazilian ship, too.

If you understood position 'to the right' to mean anywhere on the right side from the given point (not only right next to).

Spanish7:00corngreenPort Said

Thursday, March 6, 2014

#30 Free Choice

Real Madrid is one of the best Spaniard clubs out there, they have the best soccer players in there team like Cristiano Ronaldo & Gareth Bale. Right now they are in the semi finals for the Copa Del Rey & they are in second place. Their team is worth a lot of money because of the players they have & they have great defensive and offensive players.

Real Madrid has two of the best defenders which is Sergio Ramos And Pepe they also play dirty sometimes when they're mad. When it comes to their games they don't mess around they try their best to win the match and most of the time they do. Their top scorer is Cristiano Ronaldo, he has a great shot, speed, and dribbling skills so that makes him an overall great player in the team.

This soccer club is serious on what they do because it is their passion and they enjoy playing the sport. Real Madrid is a 112 year old legend & there are many more years to come for them. This is one of my favorite Spaniard soccer clubs for those reasons i just mentioned. They never disappoint when it comes to their games.

#33 How Many Handshakes

1) 45 handshakes between the 10 students.
 I got this answer by adding 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 & I got 45 .

2) 55 handshakes after another student enters late.
   To get this answer i just added 10 to 45 because 1 student shook hands with 10 students.

3) 190 handshakes between 20 students.
   I got my answer by just getting the 55 handshakes from the 11 students and added 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, & 19.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

#31 My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is Project X because it's about a kid who is not popular in High school and he throws a party but it ends up being a bigger party then it was supposed to be. It's pretty intense movie because everyones partying, drinking, and etc. I've honestly seen this movie a lot and i don't get bored of watching it. I also like watching it because it has a lot of funny moments and you really get a laugh out of it.

The first time I watched it I thought it was going to be another boring comedy movie but it wasn't it was actually pretty funny and entertaining. It's also funny when the guy's friend tries to make him him buy drugs and alcohol for the party and he does get them. I enjoyed watching the movie towards the end because the non popular guy gets with the popular beautiful girl.

My favorite part was towards the end when everything became chaos and he tried to calm everything down but he couldn't. He started a riot in his neighborhood and the cops had to come try and control it but it was to big by the time they got there. By the end of the movie his house was burned and his dad's Mercedez was in the pool and he got in a lot of trouble with the law and his parents.

#32 Survey

1) 5
2) 5
3) 5
4) 3
5) 4
6) 4
7) 4
8) 4
9) 1
10) 1
11) 3
12) 2
13) 3
14) 5
15) 5
16) 5

Thursday, February 27, 2014

#29 My Career

When I grow up I want to be a cop because it seems like an interesting career & they help the community & they keep it safe. To get this career i'm going to have to finish high school first but in order to do that I have to come to school everyday and focus on my studies. After I graduate high school I have to go to a criminal justice university or college to see what you need in order to be a cop. Then I'm going to have to start going to college to study criminal justice and other things so I can become a good cop and not be looking dumb or not even make it.

Some of the reasons I'd like to be a cop is because you would keep your community safe & the people living in your community. It would also be a good paying job but I would have to risk my life when the time comes around. It would also be an interesting career because they show you how to soot a gun and you'd have a tazer with you at all times. Another reason why I'd want to be a cop is because they would teach you in the academy how to fight and protect yourself if you ever need to.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

#27 Stranded Part 2

Coleman Instant Dome Tent - $79.99
Aquafine Purified Water -  $39.95
Large Magnesium Fire Starter- $5.96
Maxam Hunting Knife - $15.50
 Total : $141.40

I would choose those items because a tent would keep me shelter and it wouldn't leave me out in the open outdoors. I would also take water to keep myself hydrated and healthy, & also with water i would keep myself hydrated. I also chose a magnesium fire starter to start a fie and keep myself warm or if its dark out i'd be able to see my surroundings. The maxam hunting knife would come in handy so i can protect myself from wild animals and i'd be able to cut up animals and eat them for food.

#28 Bucket List

1.Graduate Highschool - I want to graduate high school by 2015 because thats the year i am supposed to graduate.

2.Get a Muscle Car To Fix Up- I want to get a 67 Chevy Impala at some point in life because it is a nice car to fix up.

3. Go Skydiving - I want to go skydiving because it seem fun and scary at some points.

4. Travel the World- I'd like to travel around the world to find out some interesting parts of the world & to try different foods.

5. Go Bungee Jumping - I'd wanna go bungee jumping because it would seem intense to jump off somewhere high up and a cord will be holding you and pulling you back up once you jump off.

Monday, February 24, 2014

#26 Stranded

If I was stranded on an island I would wanna have water, fruit, & a knife.  I would need the water to survive because without water we can get dehydrated and we can die rom dehydration. Water is also healthy for you and it would keep you hydrated. Water is also good to help you wash down food.

I would also want to have fruit on me to eat because without fruit i wouldn't have anything to eat and i'd starve to death. Fruit would also be very limited for me because i might not be sure if the island might have fruit or other resources i may be able to eat .

 I would also wanna be carrying a knife with me because their might be wild animals trying to attack me and I would need it for self defense. I'd also need it to cut open fruits, cans, or other things. The knife would also be good to help make a fire & cut some wood.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

#25 More Lying and Buckets

Abe is the one who stole the candy bar because Rex, Jack, and Earl are telling the truth so Dan and Abe are lying so that makes Abe the thief.

I can get 4 gallons by filling up the 5 gallon bucket and dumping 3 gallons into the 3gallon bucket and dump that out and pour the 2 gallons in the 5 gallon bucket in the 3 gallon bucket then refill the 5 gallon bucket and dump 1 gallon into the 3 gallon bucket and dump that out which leaves you with 4 gallons in the 5 gallon bucket.

You can get 5 gallons by filling up the 4 gallon bucket and dumping it in the 7 gallon bucket then you refill your 4 gallon bucket and dump 3 gallons into the 7 gallon bucket then you dump that out and pour the 1 gallon you have in the 4 gallon bucket into the 7 gallon bucket and then you refill your 4 gallon bucket which leaves you with 5 gallons in total.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

#23 My top five video games

1. FIFA 14- FIFA is in my top 5 video games because its a great game to play. I also chose it because i can be playing online with other people around the world. Its also pretty entertaining to play when your with your friends.
2. Grand Theft Auto 5- I also chose this game because you can literally do whatever you want in the game hijack cars or rob stores and other things. Another reason is because they just got online and you can play with other players and gang up together and start a group. Its also in my top because i can fix up cars and dress the character how i want.
3. Call of Duty: Black Ops- This game is a great game because its all about war and it involves you using your brain or else they can kill you if you don't have a good strategy. Its also one of the most played games in the world and i find that interesting.
4. God Of War - This game is interesting because it takes you back into the old greek days in rome and it shows you about all the gods. You also fight the gods of rome to get revenge. Its a great game to play if your into blood and gore.
5. Saints Row 2 -

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

#24 Bucket Head Games

I can get 8 gallons of water by filling up the 4 gallon bucket and pouring it in the 9 gallon bucket & then i refill the 4 gallon bucket and I dump it once again to the 9 gallon bucket so now i have 8 gallons. 

  Then i can get 12 gallons by refilling the 4 gallon bucket and I already have 8 gallons so all together that makes 12 gallons.

   You can also get 5 gallons by filling up the 9 gallon bucket dumping 4 gallons into the 4 gallon bucket  then you dump the 4gallons out and that leaves you with 5 gallons.  

  You can get 1 gallon by dumping 4 gallons from the 5 gallons you already have to the 4 gallon bucket and you dump that out which leaves you with 1 gallon. 

  Then you can make 10 gallons by dumping the 1 gallon you have into the 4 gallon bucket then you fill up the 9 gallon bucket which leaves you with 10 gallons. 

  Then you can make 11 gallons by dumping 3 gallons to the 4 gallon bucket which already has 1 gallon & i have 7 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket which leaves you with 11 gallons. 

   You can also get 7 gallons by dumping out 4gallons from the 4 gallon bucket (which has 4 gallons) and leaves you with 7 gallons. 

  Then i can get 3 gallons by dumping 4 gallons from the 9 gallon bucket (which has 7 gallons) & dump it into the 4 gallons bucket and then you dump that out and leaves you with 3 gallons.

  You can also get 2 gallons by filling up the four gallon bucket and in the 9 gallon bucket you already have 3 gallons then you dump the 4 gallons into the 9 gallon bucket which leaves you with 7 then you refill the 4 gallon bucket and pour 2 gallons into the 9 gallon bucket and you dump out the 9 gallons and leaves you with 2 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket.

  You can get 6 gallons by dumping the 2 gallons you have in the 4 gallon bucket into the 9 gallon bucket and you refill the 4 gallon bucket and it leaves you with 6 gallons in total.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

#22 Brain Power

The prize is the Silver box because the statement on the Gold box label is false & the statement on the Lead box is true & the statement on the Silver box is false so the prize has to be in the Silver box.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

#21 My Conversation With Barack Obama

  I chose Barack Obama because he is a very important man in the United States and he has to make a lot of tough decisions for the nation. I also chose to talk to him because he might be an interesting man to talk to and he might have a lot of interesting stories he can tell me about. Another reason is because he seems like he's friendly and not stuck up to talk to.  He also seems like he would be very easy to talk to and start a conversation with. Those are some of the reasons why I chose to talk to Barack Obama.

  Some things I would talk about with Barack is how he runs the nation and if it is hard for him to make some tough decisions that some people make. Another thing we would talk about is what he thinks about legalizing marijuana in the U.S like what his opinion is or if he is going to do something to make that happen. We would also talk about how his work affects his life or if it stresses him out about all the problems that are going on today, like the economy going down or how there isn't that many jobs out there for people to earn money and take care of their family. The last thing we would talk about is that if he even has time to spend time with his family or even go out and have some fun with his friends and family. Well those would be some of the things i would talk about with the President .

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

#20 perseverance

I would take the 100$ because it's more money in my pocket & it is a better offer.

One of the goals I have is to graduate from high school. To make that happen I'm going to have to put a lot of hard work in coming to school and doing all my classwork. Some other plans i have after graduating from high school is finding a good community college to go to like OCC or any other community college. By going to a community college I'm going to have to get a job to make money to pay for the things i need for class & other things.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

#18 Being Charitable

  The Drug Policy Alliance is a group that want to end the drug war around the United States. This group wants to legalize marijuana so that all the drug war and should be removed from the criminal justice system. They also think that it should be treated the same as alcohol and tobacco. This charity wants to help make more jobs for the community because with marijuana being legal it will create more jobs and bring more money to this nation.
  This charity is meaningful to me because it's trying to create more jobs for people out there who are struggling to get a job. Another reason is that its going to bring more money to the U.S and it's going to help the economy a lot. I also think this charity is doing a good thing for this nation because they are thinking about how it'll make our economy better and it'll stop the violence of drug cartels. Another good thing is that they are going to make an awareness for kids out there for them not to drugs and they are going put an age where you can be able to get marijuana.
  This group also fights for adults and kids to stay off of drugs like heroine and all those strong addicting drugs. They want to help the world by telling the people of the U.S that drugs aren't good for us and that it can be the cause of death to some people if they misuse it. They say that marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol. If you are trying to get more information go to this link and it will give you more details about them.


Friday, January 24, 2014

#15 typing

I used to take a class back in middle school to learn how to type faster. We used to play some games that would help us increase our speed & i used to play those games at home.

#16 Typing some more

This website is good to help you type faster because it has many different games that you can choose from & it has different variety of games. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Go Here to learn about me.

#14 typing

1 Minute Test
2 Minute Test

3 Minute Test

4 Minute Test

5 Minute Test
My favorite game was the one with the car it was pretty interesting.